Welcome to the CSU Certificate Program in Student Success Analytics!

August 29 – November 21, 2025

Registration for our 2025 Fall Cohort will open late April.

Transforming Data Into Action

Are you planning to engage your campus in an effort to close equity gaps for historically underserved students? Are you ready to create a culture that embraces data to promote meaningful change on behalf of student success?

The Certificate Program in Student Success Analytics is an innovative and interactive professional development experience at the intersection of equity and evidence. With its data-based, equity-focused, and action-oriented curriculum, our Analytics Certificate Program provides cross-divisional teams of higher education faculty, staff, and administrators the opportunity to improve student success on their campus. Join our Analytics Certificate Program and be part of our ever-growing learning community!

Program Dates

August 23 – November 15, 2024, with interactive webinar sessions conducted every other Friday

Time Commitment

Budget a total of 25 hours for the course, including webinar sessions


Campus teams of faculty, staff, and administrators, and other higher education professionals. Individual participants are also welcome


Online, real-time interactive webinar sessions with asynchronous online classroom activities.

How This Program Benefits You


Student Success Dashboard

The CSU Student Success Dashboard is an easy-to-navigate data dashboard that visualizes institutional student data in new and powerful ways. Our motto is: “Every number is a person, and every person has a story.” The Dashboard constitutes the main source material for the Analytics Certificate Program and allows program participants of all data-literacy levels to understand equity and student success issues with accessible data at their fingertips.

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Engaging Curriculum

Our equity-focused curriculum asks cross-divisional teams to tackle and improve student success issues by understanding and embracing the diversity of our students, valuing their individual experiences and needs, and thinking through strategies that shift our institutions to being student-ready and student-centered.

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Building Community with Peers

Building Community with Peers

Our Analytics Certificate Program requires campuses to assemble a team of passionate, caring, and action-driven faculty, staff, and administrators, and invites them to work, learn, and inspire each other to develop approaches to improving student success. Program participants can expect to become data ambassadors who will return to their departments and programs and build capacity among their peers to grow and scale their student success efforts.

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I feel profoundly grateful to share this space with my faculty colleagues. It has been a transformational experience to have this time together to think through our equity gaps and strategies to address them.

S. Terri Gomez, Cal Poly Pomona

S. Terri Gomez, Cal Poly Pomona
S. Terri Gomez, Cal Poly Pomona

Spring 2025 Featured Speakers

Jason Rivera

Vice Provost for Student Success & Dean of University College

Ball State University

Shannon Brady

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Wake Forest University

Ji Son
Ji Son

Professor, Psychology

Cal State Los Angeles

Michelle Lopez

Senior Assistant Dean for Student Success in Academic Affairs

San Diego State University

Interested in Learning More About Our Program?

Please consider joining one of our upcoming Info Sessions to learn more about the program and to meet the Analytics Certificate Program’s co-leads. For more specific questions, you can email us directly at AnalyticsCertificateProgram@calstate.edu

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stupski logo The pilot program of the Student Success Analytics Program was generously sponsored by the Stupski Foundation.